Determined people can be inspiring people

I am a personal trainer and in my line of work I meet some inspirational people. People who are determined to stay fit regardless of some limitations that their body has.

I have three visually impaired clients who love to stay fit and do not allow their limited eye sight to stop them enjoying fitness. It is inspiring to take a visually impaired client out for a walk. Although she cannot fully see everything around her, her other senses allow her to enjoy the walk and appreciate what is around. She can hear the birds singing and the creek water flowing, she can smell the gum leaves and the flowers. She enjoys her walk.

One of my other visually impaired clients loves to dance. She cannot see my movements but listens carefully to my instructions and to the music. The smile on her face when she is dancing is priceless.

Another client has arthritis throughout her body. She has had a hip replacement and could be in need of a knee one in the next few years. She has pain but doesn’t let it stop her from walking on the treadmill, boxing, lifting weights and keeping fit. She knows that making fitness a priority helps slow down her condition and enables her to travel, walk the dog and go on day outings around this wonderful city.

So many people with arthritis, vision problems and other physical disabilities give up on being active. Those who don’t, those who embrace fitness, exercise and life by recognizing their limitations but not letting them stop totally are inspirational.

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